Thursday, December 1, 2005

My Anniversary!

A year passed! One year of many horrible things is over for me tonight! And I do hope for better things in the days ahead!

One year of joy, hardship, good and bad news is officially over for me!

A long journey to where I am today, has made me tougher for the upcoming challenges.

As downer used to say, "I am son of unexpected challeneges!"


Anonymous said...

"One year of joy, hardship, good and bad news is officially over for me!"

(I could say the same thing.)


Anonymous said...

I completely missed your anniversary, yours for me at least, is the day of your arrival to Canada in fact!

But remember that you were worried all the time, and I kept comparing how you happened to be in a better situation than I was many years back when I wound up in the same adventure?

I hope you are proud of yourself so far!