Two idiots, one a very crazy mullah from Iran and one clueless senator from the United States, are chatting and thinking how to screw the world harder. Given the fact that Kerry has met with all enemies of the United States so far, this does not surprise me at all but what makes me feel terrible is that people like Sen. Kerry, and those who support him, are the most clueless people of this planet. They are not just ignorant, they are really dangerous to the world.
Any how, this type of meeting tells me that Islamic regime is up to something nasty again and has no goal but to deceive the world. Sending smiley-Khatami around the world to meet with clueless people like Kerry means regime is trying to buy some more time until they can achieve some of their ugly objectives.
Kerry is a worm. He'll do anything to get himself on the news. He's been doing it since Vietnam and he probably won't change his ways til he's dead. Thank God he wasn't elected President.
Kerry is "stuck" in his ownignorance.
democrats brought "them",democrats try to keep "them",democrats will see how "they" go down.
Yup. Stalling to buy time
Kerry:Come on just because he has done every kind of treasonous act and wants us to be Democrat slaves doesnt make him all bad.Their are times when he is a mindless idiot hiding in a closet sucking on his thumb.
Thank you for the pics. I hate even more now. Is he trying to get us killed? Does anyone remember what it is to be a Statesman? If it were legal, I would like to...
I am so very glad that John Kerry lost in '04.
Winston: You're right about that. They are up to something very nasty again at the expense of Iranian people's freedom and prosperity. The democrats are the enemy of enslaved people.
No wonder the Mullas were so found of him during 04 campaign...I could hear the changing "Kerry Akbar"
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