Let people exercise their 2nd amendment and take care of themselves...
If Virginia Tech had allowed 'Carry Concealed Weapons' on school grounds this event wouldn't have happened at all. Someone that would have been carrying a handgun would've stopped the crazy killer in his initial tracks....
When will people learn that gun free zones just disarm the victims. When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have it.
THANK YOU! for stating the obvious! I posted about this very point myself.
Can I snag this for my blog?
It is a sad event.
Despite the flak this statement will cause I'll state it anyway, it is also sad so many just laid down as ordered to be shot.
The US is turning into a sea of sheep who can't or won't even try to help themselves, even in life or death situations.
It's exactly what the left want, people who depent on the government for everything and are too timid to bite back.
I'm all for CCW, in fact i'm getting my very first gun this saturday. Thankfully i've never had to experience such a thing as what happened at VTech and hopfully I never will but....wasnt there a desk or a chair they could have thrown at this guy?? If someone is too afraid to use a freaking chair against this guy, do you think they would have used a gun? I really wonder.
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