Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Just wanted to say something about Defeatocrat's surrender bill that was vetoed by president Bush for good and tell you something. The battle against the dark side is being waged on two different fronts:

1- Overseas in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and other places.

2- At home in the United States against defeatist Democrats, news media and stupid leftists who love to see the surrender and demise of America and they are certainly in alliance with the jihadists too.

I'm glad that president Bush made the right decision to veto this surrender bill.


Anonymous said...

Too many Democrats have forgotten the lessons of history. Freedom requires a price... those who wish to live in freedom must be willing to fight to win it, and fight even harder to keep it!

Rita Loca said...

Thank goodness he vetoed that! How are you Winston?

Brian H said...

Blunt, at The Tank, quotes a reader who emailed "If we abandon Iraq, no country will ever trust us again....EVER!!!!!!!"

And, you know, I think the Democrats have also gambled with their future credibility. Who will ever trust them to defend the US or any other center of freedom....EVER????? With the truly outspoken hypocrisy that P & R have spewed, they've spent way more moral and political capital than they have.