Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Regime's Lobby

Regime's lobby in the States is going to have a shameful panel on Human Rights abuses in Iran and encourage the US policy-makers to sit down with the mullahs discussing these attrocities their freaking masters committ every day. Isn't that ironic? And Kenneth Timmerman has more on these thugs!

Iranian regime is prepared to try every available channel including its dangerous proxy, NIAC,to stop its own demise! Spread the word and help expose the mullahs' agents outside of Iran.


Anonymous said...

we should have come up with a plan to defeat them at Washigton, but as usual we are a bit too late to do anything to stop those Lobbyists.

Patrick Ross said...

It's true that the Iranian regime is a fairly oppressive one.

But if I may, I would like to address the ways in which we interpet some of the media stories and images we see coming out of Iran.

Consider it food for thought.

The specific example I would like to address is the popular images of women in Burkas, having reportedly protested in favour of women's rights, being beaten by Iranian police officers with billy clubs.

The obvious implications of these images--police officers assaulting the women for protesting--aside, there is one aspect of the story many people seem to overlook.

That is, Iranian women protesting in favour of women's rights. Simply put: Iranian feminists.

There is feminism in Iran. In a country that refuted women's rights after the 1980s overthrow of the Shah.

The official reaction to feminism aside, does the fact that feminism exists, and is active in Iran, not serve as signs of hope that their society may be progressing toward something more free, and (dare I say it) more democratic?

It's just a thought I have. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Winston: Please see my post on NIAC and spread the word.

Anonymous said...

In a country that refuted women's rights after the 1980s overthrow of the Shah.

Patrick Ross:

The country did not refuse women's right. The country was deceived and lied to by Khomeini and when they had the total power, the feminism of any sort was responded to by mass executions, rape, and torture. If you have time check out my archive on similar issue. There is a video of Iranian women who took to the street, demonstraing against compulsory's in the archive.

Patrick Ross said...


I'm wondering if you perhaps misunderstood me. Responding to feminism with mass executions, rape and torture does refute not only the basic human rights of the victims, but also the very idea of women's rights.

After all, why are the women in question being executed, raped and tortured? Because they're expressing views (in this case, advocacy of women's rights) considered anathema to the theocracy, right?

Anonymous said...

dear patrick ross,

Perhaps you have a point, and perhaps your point is valid. However, it is also possible that your view kind of underestimate different dimensions of Iranian's plight for freedom, which is not what your argument stand for.
With all respect to your prerogative on the "movement of feminisim in Iran", what you see is not femenism in a sense that your view implies it. my dear patrick, women's reaction to the Islamic Rules and Codes of attire in Iran is due to the unfair treatment of all citizens under the Islamic regime.
I admire your honesty in aspiring this comment, but i have to disargree with you frankly.

Patrick Ross said...


I understand what you're saying.

Perhaps one thing I didn't make clear enough was that there was a reason that identifiable evidence of feminism in Iran is a sign of hope: basically, I take it as a sign that Iranians are standing up to the theocratic regime in favour of their rights.

I see the feminist demonstrations as specific evidence of this.

I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear enough. It seems to me that we actually agree on more of this than we disagree.

For example, I'm sure we'd both agree that the treatment of these demonstrators is deplorable. But I'm sure we can also agree that the fact that there are any demonstrators at all is a sign of hope.