Monday, September 17, 2007

Indict Ahmadinejad

The US presidential candidate and former governor Mitt Romney has written a letter asking the UN to ban and indict the president of Iran who advocates genocide in the world and also promotes terror at home:
    "With the disturbing news that Iranian President [...] is planning to address the United Nations General Assembly next week, I call on the United Nations to revoke any invitation to President Ahmadinejad to address the General Assembly. The only way he should be greeted in the United States is with an indictment under the Genocide Convention."
Great job! It was also Mitt Romney who ordered his Massachusetts' state police not to provide any type of assistance and security to the former president Khatami during his recent disgraceful visit to the States a few months ago. [+]

اخوندها بدجوری عصبانی شدند که فرماندار سابق ماساچوست خواستار محاکمه دلقک زشت جمهوری اسلامی شده. چند ماه پیش هم که سید خندان خاتمی رفته بود دانشگاه هاروارد که در ایالت ماساچوست هست ، اقای رامنی از پلیس ایالتی خواسته بود که به این فریبکار بزرگ رژیم سرویس امنیتی داده نشه و اینکارش به نظرم با اینکه سمبلیک بود اما برای ما ایرانیها خیلی مهم بود. امیدوارم که باز هم یه جمهوریخواه مثل جولیانی، هانتر و یا رامنی برنده انتخابات 2008 امریکا بشن. دموکراتهایی مثل کلینتون و ادواردز دشمن مردم ایران هستن چون قصد دوستی و ایجاد ارتباط رسمی با اخوندهای جنایتکار رو دارند


Anonymous said...

Nice idea, but it won't happen.
Gotta give credit to Romney for saying it, too.

saggezard said...

I like Romney, apparently has done some great things in the past, like the Massachusetts universal health plan, also a highly reputable and trusted businessman. This week in Iran the judiciary cut the hands of two people and took the eye of one out of the socket. So there is room of leveling charges of some sort of gross human rights violation or at least a a strong condemnation. And finally, if Romney says something it is very likely possible.

Anonymous said...

خیلی خوشحالم که وبلاگت دارد کم کم فارسی هم می شود

Anonymous said...

اين آمريکاييها اگر مردی ميکردند و احمدی نژاد را اين بار محاکمه و از بيضه حلق آويز ، مشخص ميشد که خيلی حامی حقوق بشر هستند

Orville said...

Tell 'em Mitt