Tuesday, October 23, 2007

US Flag

I have this American flag on the background of my laptop screen and it is a way of appreciating the great things that this amazing flag represents such as civilization, democratic values, heroism, freedom, aiding the oppressed, standing for human rights around the world and so on and so forth.

Today while sitting in the class, a classmate who turned out to be a Palestinian jihadi saw this thing on my computer and asked whether I am an American and the response was no, I am an Iranian. So he asked me why I have the American flag and I answered. He got angry and dismissive of my points and I tried to add to his anger by showing him an image of President Bush on my computer while he was praising mad people like Ahmadinejad and insulting the jews and Americans. You know, typical arabic grievances against the bad jews and American infidels. Ah the funny part was that he said Iraqi people still love Saddam. I just don't understand why they did hang that bastard if they liked him. :-))

Oh yeah, I ran away all the way from a hell-hole that was Iran occupied by the Arab0-Islamic mullahs to come and sit among people in a free country hearing these illiterate Jihadists repeating the Mullahs' viewpoints over and over again. When is this going to end?

You can disagree with my views about America, its history, President Bush and things they have done since 1776. No problem at all. Disagreement is part of life. But once you start taking sides against the US and stand side by side with the mad mullahs, then I'll make sure to be as politically incorrect as I can be, meaning you'll not have a pleasant memory of me. Don't make me be like that. You won't like it...


Anonymous said...

good for you. but be careful

Werner George Patels said...

Keep up the good fight, but, as the other commenter said, be careful. Those bastards are capable of anything.

RightGirl said...

Winston knows better than most of us, safe over here in Canada, of what those bastards are capable of. But do THEY know what HE'S capable of?? I wouldn't worry too much about our Winston.


Anonymous said...

Why would these 'true' believers want to live with Western infidels?

The West isn't holding any hostages, anyone is free to leave, but I don't see any Muslims lining up to leave for Saudi Arabia or Iran?

Muslims in the West should be politely encouraged to leave if they feel so strongly against 'Western' values, if they don't, they should be encouraged to examine why they choose to stay.

Rita Loca said...

Winston! My hero!!!!

Bleatmop said...

Good for you! Excelent post, and I intend to do something similar whenever I run into Anti-American people.

Anonymous said...

What use does a Pali Jihadi have for Ahmadamnutjob or any Iranian? Aren't the Shia number three on his list of infidels marked for death, right after the Jews and Americans?

Anonymous said...

I so admire you for taking such a strong difficult stand. You're making things easier for others who are not as brave as you are to do so in the future. I feel that will happen so just hang in there.
GOOD FOR YOU to be public about your stance.
It's the brave of the world like yourself who pave the way for change. God bless you, young man.

Anonymous said...

I so admire you for taking such a strong difficult stand. You're making things easier for others who are not as brave as you are to do so in the future. I feel that will happen so just hang in there.
GOOD FOR YOU to be public about your stance.
It's the brave of the world like yourself who pave the way for change. God bless you, young man.

Brian H said...

I think the Pali Jihadis have the impression that they've won the battle for Western consensus that they are poor, blameless victims of ruthless imperialistic Zionists, and he was probably outraged that you deviated from the party line. Part of The Narrative™ is that all Moslems are victims of the West's exploitation and secularist depravity. Reject that, and you must be a Bushanderthal.

BTW, if you want to enrage a BDS sufferer, tell them that GWB scored higher on SATs, IQ tests, and college exams than either Gore or Kerry. And brace for some mind-boggling explanations along the lines of Daddy's cronies managed to fix and fudge all of them for little Georgie. Yuk, yuk.

mwixiwm said...

thank you so much for taking the time, and having the courage to defend my country. you rock. :)