The criminal regime of Iran
is calling for the assassination of Israeli politicians. I just wonder what if this was done by the Israeli or American governments? The mullahs of Iran have proven to us over and over again that they're bunch of criminals holding 70 million Iranians hostage.
The Ayatollahs are terrorists, they do not only encourage terror, they ARE the original terrorists. I do not comprehend why any country is trying to negotiate with Islamic Republic. Even having reciprocal diplomatic relationship with the IRI is despicable. Is it not a crime for an individual to seek the death of any diplomat? How is it that the Ayatollahs are getting away with it? Why is Europe still keeping embassies in Tehran? If they do not react we have another proof that the EU is a fraud.
They are paining themselves to a corner. Let them dig their own grave cause the further down they go, they deeper shit they are going into. Cheers
The only countries forbidden from saying similar things are the U.S. & Israel.
Everyone else can say as they please.
Hello !
I so hope Iran will soon be free again at last.
I'm not quite sure neo-conservative policy toward Iran is tending to that though…
I agree with saggezard regarding the attitude of european states toward the IRI.
But Europe IS despicable and it IS a fraud and so are the UN.
You can't afford to expect any decency from Europe, which is dying anyway.
It's "America Alone" along with Israel and may be India.
I just wish the world would open his eyes on Muhammad's religion and expose it for what it is : a death cult, which must be destroyed in order to free its followers and make the world less bloody.
What would you expect from a regime that also does this? Can we call them fascists, now?
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