Thursday, July 10, 2008


The Iranian regime is scared. I've been observing regime media outlets in the past few weeks and the Mullahs' worries are really obvious. The Israeli exercises last month has multiplied the regime's fear of a foreign military attack and they have recently started reinforcing their naval forces by the Persian gulf and strait of Hormuz in the aftermath of those Israeli maneuvers. Wednesday's launch of several missiles indicates the fact that the Mullahs are badly terrified. However, the clerical establishment of Iran has a bigger problem and it's their own people. No amount of WMD can alter the course of history. This regime is a goner and it absolutely belongs to the dustbin of history. Hitler, Milosevic and Saddam et al had much better and tougher military machines and yet they are all dead. The time has come for the removal of this criminal Islamic regime. No missile launch is going to be able to save these maniacs from the wrath of their own oppressed people and those nations threatened by them.

Good news: Finally, greedy French oil firm quits Iran - Via BBC News

Little Green Footballs blog points at the altered image of the Iranian missiles launch

رژیم جنایتکار و دزد اسلامی ایران بشدت از وضع موجود ترسیده و دلیل اصلی شلیک موشکهای ساخت کره شمالی شهاب در روز چهارشنبه هم بر وجود این ترس از حمله خارجی صحه میگذارد. ولی تاریخ مصرف این رژیم اسلامی به پایان رسیده. حکومتهای نازیها در المان، فاشیستها در ایتالیا و حکومت خونخوار بعثی صدام حسین بمراتب از لحاظ نظامی برتری کاملی نسبت به ایران ورشکسته امروزی داشتند ولی امروز همگی اینها به زباله دان تاریخ پیوسته اند. روزی خواهد رسید که خشم مردم ایران و مللی که توسط این رژیم تروریست تهدید میشوند گریبانگیر این حکومت اسلامی خواهد شد و نقطه پایانی بر عمر انها خواهد گذاشت


Anonymous said...

They're afraid that President Bush is going to take action before he leaves office and they know that if McCain gets elected, they're in deep doodoo.

What is "Occupation" said...

The iranian thugs have without fail threatened to wipe of the face of the planet the state of israel.

they also have threatened to destroy america...

the chickens are coming home to roost...

we will not go quietly into the night, their threats are taken seriously and their WORDS HAVE MEANING...

So much meaning in fact dont be surprised to wake one day soon to explosions raining down on your pathetic sorry asses that will make saddam hussein look like weak, gay, nitwit...

What you expected us to huddle in fear?

Dear Iran, threaten us with genocide and we will put a boot in your ass...

we are not arabs.....


Remember King Cyrus....

Remember your history Persia.....

Louise said...

I'm nearly 59 years old. I don't remember a time in which the world seemed so tense, waiting for the shoe to drop, so to speak. How to get the job done? Will the army turn on them?

Apache Man said...

Winston, Dude I really think you nailed it good that time. I also think the mullahnazis are running scared. They have increased oppression within Iran and are spending more money on arms and material that they are making in oil sales. The standard of living within Iran has been steadily falling. Their rhetoric is increasingly more strident. Their leaders are beginning to sound very simular to the nutcase in Korea. The question is: Do the oppressed people of Iran have what it takes to overthrow the islamifascist regime or are they gutless like the Koreans? The mullahtards will not just go quietly.

Winston said...

Apache, I think the Mullahs will try anything to clinch to power for as long as possible. However, will come a point where they can't resist internal dissatisfaction of their own people and their possible uprising. Also, an external military attack will accelerate their downfall in that case.