One thing that has really caught my attention here is the quasi police state in Paris. From armed guards patrolling the streets and several undercover/plain clothed detectives and agents who keep a watchful eye on the people to cops walking the streets, it is very surprising to me. And today, the entire block where the Chinese embassy is located was cordoned off to the public and detours established for cars and pedestrians. I'd never seen so many police and anti-riot security forces in my life except probably in Iran or Turkey. Every 100 meters, crowd control police could be seen ready to take on the possible rioters. Especially police were present wherever the "Free Tibet" protesters went around. Although the size of Tibetan protesters was really small. I guess "the right to free assembly" doesn't mean much in France. Photography was banned so this is the only photo I could take of police cars going after the Tibet guys in front of "Ecole Militaire" near the Eiffel tower..

Hey, who said American tourists are nuts. Well, I don't really know why some Europeans like to hate American tourists. You say Americans are loud? Rude? Fat? Disrespecting the laws? Well, I doubt that. Thus far the most rude, disrespectful, messy, law breaking and loud group of people I have come across were mostly Spanish or Italians. No offense, but this is the fact. In Louvre, the only group of tourists taking pictures with flashes on were either Italians or Spanish. I've not come across one American tourist that breaks the law or drives like a maniac. I think in terms of respecting the laws of host countries, Americans and indeed Canadians can claim the 1st rank among others. I really don't know, these Italian tourists are hilarious. I know, I was being politically incorrect but that's what it is. I can't cover the truth with PC shit. Can I?
Ah, for The Doors' fans... this last photo is Jim Morrison's grave in Pere Lachaise cemetery.

I think most Americans try to be polite in other countries.
Au revoir, Paris.
:- )
Thank you for an insightful story. I am enchanted by the photo of Princess Pahlavi's grave. I must express complete ignorance in that I do not know who she is, or was. What a beautiful woman she was.
I wonder if you might share a little about her with me. She interests me greatly.
35 hours work per week was an old rule in France only and was repelled by President Sarkozi when he became president.
French police have always carried guns and submachine guns as part of their street petrol's.
French police do inspect peoples identity cards in the subway and in the streets.
That is because people in continental Europe as a whole — can have access to all kinds of fire arms in very easily and do — specially most criminals carry guns — let alone the crazy terrorists which europe and France in particular have had a long experience of.
There are also millions of illegal immigrants roaming around Europe — which has no internal boarders anymore — and as places like Paris are a magnet for them and millions of other tourists, it is prudent for the authorities to keep a watchful eye on what is going on.
I am afraid you know very little about Europeans and the European union.
Suffice to say that — friendship and a union od 27 different counties and people is not an easy job but a very vital and commendable effort.
Overall they are succeeding in achieving harmony and bringing wealth and development to those parts of Europe that were poor and underdeveloped only a few years ago — e.g. Portugal, and Eastern countries-formally known as 'Iron curtain' countries.
Furthermore you cannot find the spirit of how Europe or its people is by a spending a few days here and there and visiting the tourist sites.
Europe and Europeans will always remain an enigma to those living in Canada or USA.
Better you do not come over here anymore or express uneducated comments about it.
Ps. I am not writing this comment because you asked my to take your name off my mailing list. It is just in reply to what I read on your blog regarding your observations as a tourist in Europe.
thank you winston for your great article and picture of our beloved Princeess leila Pahlavi whom i remmeber seeing her in Niavaran palace in tehran when she was 3 years old running to his beloved late majesty what a beautifull lady she was, god bless her soul and heart, thanks winston very sincerlly Tirdad Gharib.
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