Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It is not lost, yet

Look guys, the election in the US is not over until it is really over and McCain has a great chance of winning this thing. If you and I do not trust the mainstream media, why should we take their polls seriously? Of course they do all they can to demoralize the McCain's camp and force their own dirty agenda on us. What really matters is that, I still believe, the majority of the Americans have not drunk the Hussein Obama's Kool-Aid and I doubt they ever will. Unless they are really out of their minds and surprise all of us by coronating Hussein Obama on November 4th. All these said, I still think the American people are far more rational, wiser and cooler to elect an empty suited Marxist like Obama to the White House. By Nov 5th, we can tell if they have learned from the past or not. The examples are aplenty: Carter and Clinton presidencies are gifts that still keep giving. Carter's legacy is that after 29 years the Iranian regime still exports Islamic terrorism and is proud of it. President Clinton's legacy was the September 11th attacks and the rise of Jihadists through the 1990s. Simply because he treated those issues as if they were mere criminal cases. He didn't see the broader war that Islamists had declared on the Western infidels.

Hussein Obama will be worse than these two. Frankly he's even worse than Carter, in my opinion. His legacy, if elected, will be a disastrous one. He's already been so naive and soft that even French president Sarkozy is sounding the alarm about Obama's soft approach towards the Iranian regime. Marxist Obama has got the entire rational world worried. Let's not go there, my friends. Many of us understand that you in America are unhappy with what has been going on but you can not punish your great country by electing an inexperienced anti-American Marxist community organizer. Khomeini, Stalin, Mao, Ahmadinejad and Castro... et al offered Change & Hope too. But what are the results? The United States means a lot to us here who really care about it deeply. It's our beacon of hope and the only chance the dying Western civilization has got against the Tsunami of radical Islam and Leftists. Think twice before voting! Thank you...


Unknown said...

wow well said...but there are unthinking people out there

Winston said...

I know. Especially with all these fraudulent voters. We'll see. I want the best for the United States. It's more dear to me than any thing else.

Anonymous said...

This is not just about "liberal media". Fox news and Gallup also have Obama leading overall and in key battleground states.
This thing is over! Sit back, relax and enjoy democracy at work!:)

Pie Slice said...

I believe the McCain-Palin will win. There are many things on the ground pointing to this and if you study the polls from our primaries you see where he is vulnerable.

McCain will win all of the states George Bush won with the exception of possibly Colorado and New Mexico -- I think McCain will pick-up Pennsylvania to make up for IF he loses Virginia which we do not think will happen.

We have had people claiming students are going to come vote for generations. Yes, it will be higher, but not high enough. The college early voting push has not been all they wanted ... which is good for us.

There are also a lot more democrats who voted for Hillary voting for McCain than is being reported -- it could be enough to make a big difference. Especially in those swing states.

Have Faith -- the American people are not as stupid as we look sometimes. Our collective mind tends to prevail in important circumstances. It'll be tough -- President McCain will be.

Winston said...

enjoy the Democracy or Obamathugocracy? It's not over until it is over and I am certain McCain will surprise many of us.

Winston said...

Terry, I share your sentiments and thoughts.