Saturday, June 20, 2009

Armed Forces

This is my personal appeal to the regular Iranian armed forces as someone who served in the regular army:.

برادران ارتشی، هموطنان عزیز در ارتش ایران

به عنوان افسر وظیفه سابق ارتش و کسی که از خانواده ارتشی هستم از کسانی که این مطلب رو در داخل سازمان ارتش مردمی ایران مطالعه میکنند تقاضای عاجزانه میکنم که برادران و خواهران خود در خیابانهای تهران و شهرستانها را در مقابل بسیج نامردمی مسلح تنها نگذارید. از همه افسران و درجه داران و سربازان عزیز ایران بعنوان یک هموطن عاجزانه در خواست میکنم پناه مردم ایران عزیز باشید. مردم ایران همگی برای ارتش جان برکف ایران احترام و ارزش فوق العاده ای قائل بوده و هستند. اجازه ندهید مردم کشته و زخمی شوند. از شما عاجزانه تقاضا دارم به فکر مردم عزیز باشید. مردم بیگناه ایران به ارتش بعنوان پناهگاه خود مینگرند. لطفا مردم رو در این ساعت دشوار تنها و بی دفاع نگذارید. مردم همیشه و هر لحظه به سازمان مقدس ارتش اعتماد داشته و خواهند داشت. بعنوان یک ایرانی از همگی شما میخواهم به یاری مردم بیگناه ایران بشتابید. مطمئن باشید مردم ایران هیچگاه جانفشانی ارتش در طول جنگ تحمیلی و سالهای بعد از انرا فراموش نکرده و نمیکنند. مردم ایران و خانواده های ارتشی همگی شاهد تبعیض علیه ارتش و پرسنل معزز ان بوده اند. اجازه ندهید جماعتی بیگانه مردم ایران را در خیابانها قتل عام کنند. از دوستانی که در ایران این مطلب رو ملاحظه میکنند خواهشمندم از برادران ارتشی خود کمک و راهنمایی بخواهند


Rose said...

Wish I could read it. Thanks for all you are doing here.

Winston said...

I've begged them to shelter people and not to abandon people to these savages.

Anonymous said...

Hey Winston, could you translate it? I'd love to put it on my blog.

Nick J. said...
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Anonymous said...

I tried to translate it with Google Translate, and got some of it, but they couldn't interpret it all.

This is what they came up with:

"As a noncommissioned officer and former Army military family who from who I am I inside of this army of people they study Ajzanh I request that brothers and sisters in the streets of Tehran and other cities to mobilize against the inhumanity armed only Do not hang. Owners of all officers and soldiers and degree of Aziz as a refuge هموطن Ajzanh I request you dear people of Iran. All people of Iran for military life Brkf of extraordinary value and respect and are allowed. Do not let people be killed and injured. I ask you to think Ajzanh you dear people. Innocent people of the army as their shelter Myngrnd. Please people are in this difficult time alone and without defense Do not hang. People always and every moment of the sacred and the army will have confidence. As an Iranian I want you all to help innocent people in Iran Bshtabyd. Be sure never zeal of the army during the imposed war and years after the mother did not and do not forget. People of Iran and all military families and military personnel witnessed discrimination against ان have been respectable. Do not allow foreign Jmaty the Iranian people in the streets to murder. The friends that I see in this army are Khvahshmndm brothers want to help and advice."

Winston said...

I really don't want to laugh because it will be disrespectful to those who died today but man google translators gotta go back to school again.

Sohrab said...

Here I'll take a crack at it since I have time right now and I was deeply moved by Winston's letter.

He writes:

Army brothers and dear compatriots in the armed forces,

As a former NCO and someone who comes from a military family, I urge those elements tasked with studying matters of this nature not to abandon your brothers and sisters in the streets of Tehran, as well as other cities and towns, to the people-hating Basijis. I beg the noble officers and soldiers in the Iranian armed forces protect our dear people. All of the people of Iran respect and value the sacrifices made by the members of our armed forces - please do not allow these same people to be murdered on the streets. Please consider the innocent people, who consider the armed forces as their saviors and protectors. The people have traditionally and will continue to have the greatest confidence in Iran's sacred armed forces. Therefore and as an Iranian, I urge you again to protect the people, knowing that they will never forget the sacrifices made by our armed forces during the Iran-Iraq War and the years following it. The people of Iran, and especially military families, have witnessed the discrimination against our armed personnel. It's that much more important, therefore, that you do not allow alien groups to slaughter our people on the streets. I ask the friends who study these matters to guide their brothers in the armed forces.

Winston said...
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Sohrab said...

Unless, you didn't want me to translate it? Sorry Winston, should have asked. Feel free to delete if you want to.

Winston said...

nah, you did a fine job. though you got my rank wrong ;-)

have a good night. I am going to get some rest!

Matt said...

Heh, there might not be any commies in Iran, but they sure are everywhere else trying to work their way in!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this with us and thanks to the man who tried to translate ( Google really needs to fix their translator or get rid of it) And, thank you to the man who translated it for us, what a beautiful and moving letter!
God bless and protect all of you! I pray someone come to the aid of this brave young people.