30 years ago on this day, His Majesty Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi died in exile in Egypt. The people of Iran will always be indebted to him and his father for their service and dedication. Through their 57 year long reign, Iran became a respected member of the international community, women gained many rights and freedoms while ordinary people prospered to an unprecedented level never seen before in the nation's history. I'd like to say how proud I am of the late Shah, and I will do my best to defend his legacy. [
A must read: A new book on "the life and times of the Shah".امروز سی سال از درگذشت شاهنشاه ایران محمد رضا پهلوی میگذرد. ایران به ایشان و خانواده ایراندوست پهلوی مدیون بوده و تاریخ به نیکی از شاه فقید یاد خواهد کرد. خدمات شاهنشاه برای ملت ایران در خاطره ها باقی خواهد ماند
It is a nice day to remember him. Good job. (Sorry for Iran's loss.)
من هر وقت تصویر یا فیلمی از شاهنشاه میبینم احساس غرور و افتخار میکنم
واقعاً حیف که ایشان یا جانشینشان در کشور اصلی خود یعنی ایران نیستند
رژیم فعلی دیگه واقعاً زندگی را از ایرانیان سلب کرده
بقول خودت وینستون جان که در امضات نوشته بودی :
نابود باد رژیم جهل و جنایت ، زنده باد آزادی
حقیقتاً همینطوره
ایمیل هم که ندادی دوست من. ایمیل جدیدمو برات گذاشتم ;)
Bless his pure soul, a new generation of Iranians and most of his old opposition are realizing his progressive vision and wisdom. Everything he did was right.
May the great man rest in peace and may Iran soon return to the right path and Iran's rightful place in the world.
Andrew, Jewish supporter of the late Shah and a free Iran.
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