Friday, July 21, 2006

US Senator: Iran regime must change

Iran regime must change, Sen. Rick Santorum says
    "The people of Iran, who overwhelmingly wish to live in a free society after 27 years of horror, want the chance to choose their own leaders and their own policies. They, not the fanatics, should be our negotiating partners," Santorum said.
Very well said! But I wonder if President Bush is listening...


Chester said...

He already knows it.

Rosemary Welch said...

Yes, he knows. I just called again today with a message to get radio in Persian, Farsi, and Arabic into Iran 24/7, not 15 lousy minutes a week.

If we are going to get through to the Iranian PEOPLE that we support THEM, then we must reach in our pockets now. The more money we spend now will save us much money than if we wait...