Friday, September 29, 2006

Defeatocratic Party

I liked what president Bush had to say about the DemoNRatic party:
    "Five years after 9/11, the worst attack on the American homeland in history, the Democrats offer nothing but criticism and obstruction and endless second-guessing. The party of FDR, the party of Harry Truman has become the party of cut and run," Bush said.
The DemoNRats have become neo-Fascists of our age. They are for " cut and run in Iraq", restrictions on right wing media and negotiations with rogue regimes like Iran and North Korea. Defeatocrats must stay away from power for the next few years until every thing is done in the proper fashion. Dems are for total defeat of the US.


Anonymous said...

President Bush hasn't offered a strategy to win in Iraq. "Stay the course" isn't one. He says the war in Iraq is "the battle for civilization." Why isn't treating it one?

Compared to "total war" in WWII, the Iraq effort falls significantly short. We need a strategy to win. Why are we only trying to not lose?

The Republican congress has been a fiscal disaster. We need a divided congress which has served so well in the past.

Sherry said...

I can think of one way. Get rid of the UN, the ACLU, Senators Kennedy, Kerry, Clinton, Feingold, Reid, etc...

Rosemary Welch said...

I would agree but for one thing. These are not democrats. They are Lenin-Marxists. Does anyone now wonder why we had a very long and hard struggle (cold war) with USSR? Only these fools lapped up every lie ever told...

Anonymous said...

Nice, strong, well-reasoned remarks, pal. "These leftists don't get it." "They're DemoNcrats." I guess when you don't have a sound argument, you have no choice but to resort to labels and name-calling. I've got news for you: that American in DC was right: the US IS no longer a democracy. I know about life in Cuba and Iran, and I know about life in the US, and I can tell you unequivocally that democracy left America right about the time that your idol, Bush the Unintelligent, stole the first election in 2000. Want to talk with someone who knows what he's talking about and doesn't need to resort to name-calling and regurgitating right-wing talking points or Karl Rove's slogan of the day? Then let me know. I love to make verbal mincemeat out of arrogant twits who refuse to accept reality or consider evidence. Oh, and by the way: where's Osama and the WMDs? Why are we in Iraq again? The American soldiers and the Iraqi people want to know. And what is it about US foreign policy in the Middle East that you find so worthy of embracing? Got any insulting labels you can throw at me in response to these questions? I hate it when ignorance wraps itself up in pseudo-intellectualism and obnoxious insults.....