Friday, October 5, 2007


An Islamofascist occupying regime holding anti-Israeli, anti-freedom rallies. Don't be fooled by the phony number of people in these bogus photos. Most are on the pay-roll of the regime, some are conscripts who HAVE to attend such bogus rallies or they'll have to endure terrible punishments and many are poor people going to these events for food coupons and financial assistance. However I don't deny the fact that thousands of them are true believers and are still living in their 4th century style caves and probably their brains are stuck in 4th century as well...

Some more pictures , More of these scary images , and a few more

خلایق هر چه لایق.... تنها چیزیست که به نظرم میرسه وقتی این تصاویر ترسناک رو میبینم. هر سال هم نسبت به سال قبل از اون بدتر و زشت تر میشه. البته خیلی از اینهایی که به راهپیماییهای اینجوری میرن یا از عوامل خود رژیم جنایتکار اخوندی هستند و یا بخاطر پول و غذا و لباس شرکت میکنند. البته خیلی از اینها واقعا به نابودی یه کشور دیگه اعتقاد دارند و واقعآ در کشته شدن دوباره چند میلیون یهودی و اسراییلی مشکلی نمیبینند. واقعا خلایق هر چه لایق. متاسفم واسه اون مملکت که توسط این رژیم کثیف نابود شده و دیگه ابرویی برایش در سراسر دنیا نمونده


Anonymous said...

من فکر ميکنم اين وحشی ها اصلآ نميدانند اسرائيل چی هست پوشيدنی است يا خوردنی !!! چه رسد به اينکه بدانند روی کره زمين اين کشور کجا قرار گرفته

Anonymous said...

Winston Jan:

I know how it feels to look at these pictures and maintain one's sanity. But I also know that despair should not invade our heart. That child who is forced by her parents to walk over Israel's burning flag is a victim of an invasive ideology. For her sake we should be stronger in helping each other to fight the regime in Iran.
And that's the only option we have, but despair, should not enter our soul.

Anonymous said...

I think Iran is courageous for standing up for their brethren in the middle east against and illegal and brutal theft and occupation.