Saturday, March 29, 2008


After the Jihadists, proud parading naked monsters, Commies and anti-war morons, here comes the Chi-Coms protest in Toronto opposing the Tibet independence and freedom...


Anonymous said...

The chineses dictators win more support becuase the chinese morons have a bigger population than Tibetans.They can afford bigger pro-Chinese occupiers rallies in Canada and other western countries, therefore more Westerners support them!
Arab bulllies win becuase there are more Arabs and Moslems in the world (specially in the West)than Israelis and Jews.
Power is in the numbers. This is how evil wins.
Wonder why the Iranian regim is the winner both in Iran and the West in spite of all the evil its doing? for the same reason.

Anonymous said...

Hasan agha put the 'fitna' video on his site. it can be seen again. an Iranian person copied the video into google with farsi subtitles. nice job?

Azarmehr said...

Its a modern day battle of David v Goliath. Our hearts are with teh Tibetan people in their struggle against the Chines oppressors.