Weekends are not my cup of tea. They have never been. And I do my best to avoid going out on Saturdays or Sundays. Last Sunday I worked at a famous market and it was fun. But this Sunday was very different. Right after the annual Canada's own Neo-con bloggers meeting today which included
Dr. Roy and
Wendy ... etc, I walked all the way to Toronto's Eaton Center and took the following photos:

These morons are always there. The combination of 9/11 truthers and Islamonazis's effort to brainwash the pedestrians was both frustrating and fun. Frustrating to see that these morons are not capable of thinking like ordinary people and it was fun because me and an Indian gentleman teamed up and mocked them to the best of our ability. Mostly, they had no answer for simple questions when they were challenged. I just pointed at the videotape of Bin Laden claiming the responsibility for the September 11th atrocities and they couldn't make a reasonable argument refuting it other than sticking to their stupid conspiracy theories. Ask them about their jobs and most of them are unemployed. So me and the Indian guy laughed at them so hard that I could clearly see them going nuts.
LOL! Beside all these, I just felt terrible for the little girl who was wearing the "
9/11 was an inside job" t-shirt and posed for the camera (1st & 5th pic). --
Click on pics to enlarge --
P.S: A couple of days ago, the city of Winnipeg tried to seize a Swastika wearing child from her white supremacist mother. Shouldn't the Toronto's children services also remove this innocent kid from her stupid dad? She's apparently being brainwashed on a daily basis too. What's the difference?!?
Why, oh why are these oddballs always ugly and look like social misfits? Don't THEY ever notice that normal looing people are never at these "protests" with trite signs, selling stupid theories and sick ideas? Hello!!! There must be some kind of club they belong to...the only club that would have them as a member.
Ask them about their jobs and most of them are unemployed.
Somebody must be paying them to protest. The phrase "rent-a-riot" is more than just a tongue in check expression.
Aren't they lucky that they live in a democracy and can say whatever they like without looking over their shoulder and suffering any consequences for what they say.
I came up with a single question that I ask protesters: Have you paid income tax or been in a classroom in the last twelve months. Those that answer yes might be capable of a discussion, but I find I don't have many discussions.
They don't have an answer to this question too: "If the war was over oil, why did we not invade Mexico or Canada for cheaper, less dangerous source of oil"?
Shouldn't the Toronto's children services also remove this innocent kid from her stupid dad? She's apparently being brainwashed on a daily basis too. What's the difference?!?
Probably because the Canadian government is loaded with people who believe Bush is the reincarnation of Hitler. It is sad how our society hunts the evil within while ignoring the evil without.
No wonder all the draft dodgers went to Canada, and no wonder they were accepted. Canada has use the USA as a backbone so they could act the fool. I feel sad for the 99% of all the sane people in Canada!
Azarmehr, you are so right. If they only knew...
"What's the difference?!?"
Which pogrom was did the troofers carryout again?
olagh ha
There's a club for all these fools: the Moonbat Society! And we are their biggest enemy next to Satan himself: We are the Moonbat Slayers! We slay moonbattery with truth! And what's that movie line that applies to all moonbats? "You can't handle the truth!"
When name of Canada comes to my mind, I feel hurt and bitter by my experince
Could you and your friend go and laugh in the face of the conscession owner at high park subway station...he chases after me and utters death threats each time I pass by...because about a month ago I sneezed on my english version of a koran I was reading..he shakes his fist, beckoning me to come back as I rush past..he leaps from behind the stall and chases me over to the escalator,,,calls me a whore...threatens to kill me...the police did nothing when I reported the first assault from the hospital...Why can these people get away with this type of behavior in a democracy???
I am surprised that you were able to mock these people and you were not threatened. Is what you did a hate crime? When I sneezed on my copy of an english koran I was studying a subway concession proprietor chased me assaulted me called me a whore, ushered death threats and at the hospital the police decided I MUST drop it...Since then each time I pass if he sees me he jumps out chases me and threatens to beat me up and or kill me...I can't figure out if this is just cracked or he really is a threat...but doesn't he know you can't do this in a democracy.
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