Sam turns 2 today. Time goes by very fast. Two years passed since she was born and I took care of her. It's amazing.

Ah, last night
Coldplay music band was in town and I was there to see them in concert at
Air Canada Centre. It was a bit disappointing. First, the opening was crap. An unknown band did it and every body was shouting "go away" or booing them. Second, the entire Coldplay performance was less than 100 minutes. I have been to some Jethro Tull concerts and as you know they're pretty old now. But the Tull band plays for more than 3.5 hours for much older crowd and never runs out of energy or excitement. Also, there's no political cheap shots whatsoever. Yet, these young guys of Coldplay did only an hour forty minute long show and did not do an encore as thousands of fans expected them to do so. I do like their music but I'm sure it was the last time to see them live. No more Coldplay in concert.
Winston, Just exactly how much does Sam weigh?
Hey, she weights around 10-11 lbs. But why did you ask?
Winston. The top picture she looks as if she weighs more then that.She outweighs my 2 male cats, although they are free to go in and out via a cat door.Did see the picture of the New Jersey cat who tipped the scale at 44 lbs?What a bundle of love that would be.
Well, Sam is an exclusive indoor cat. She runs and plays here and I am sure she's content. And yeah I saw that Fat Cat and liked him.
Happy Birthday, Sam.
Winston, I think she is at least 12lbs now, if not a little more.
:- D
che pishooe mamani, cheghadr moadab neshaste ba sarpoushesh, zhess gerefte.. kheli khosham oomad, valy inghadr ghaza behesh nade, chaghi barash khoobnist, harchand ma yeki gorbedashtam, behesh migoftim hercules, valee oon mard gardan koloft bood lol!
Happy belated Birthday my cute little missy
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