Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Enormous Potentials

Dr. Akhavan writes about the huge potentials of a free and democratic Iran:
    "Imagine a pragmatic and liberal Iran as the epicentre of an integrated Middle East, a common market stretching from Beirut to Baghdad, Damascus to Dubai, Tel Aviv to Tehran, the all-conquering antidote of interdependence to bridge the perennial Arab-Israeli and Sunni-Shia divides. While the immediate challenges are formidable and sobering, the heroic struggle for democracy in Iran should inspire a vision of a different and better future. In the 1930s, after all, who could have imagined the European Union?"
And here the Forbes magazine columnist examines the benefits of a free Iran for the world.


Odysseus said...

In order to do that, you're going to need someone with vision and the power to make it happen.

Odysseus said...

In order to make that happen, you're going to need someone with vision and the power to make it happen. There's a couple of countries in the world with the power but only one of them would ever produce a leader with that vision and its current leader is incapable of having a vision that doesn't include redistribution of wealth.

Unknown said...

Hi Dear Winston
A few days ago I sent you an email. ]'m Happy to still be associated with
Regards. Ali an old friend