Friday, March 31, 2006

Dr. Wafa Sultan

Dr. Wafa Sultan is a very brave muslim and she does mean what she says on TV channels.

Thanks to MEMRI TV for collecting all these great clips from the Islamic world TV stations, many people are able to understand what is really going on in the arab world.

MEMRI TV is one of my favorite web sites and I visit that regularly to get a better idea of who is who in the fight against terrorism.

I just couldn't ignore these 2 clips any more and not share it with you, although they were posted on Memri TV couple of weeks ago but I still enjoy these two clips more than others!

This One


This One

I read the other day in a news web site that she received some threats from radical muslims for what she has said on Arab media against Islam and islamic terrorism


Anonymous said...

بادرودی بیکران به شما . میدانم که هموطن نازی ما در سخنان از لغات زشت بسیار استفاده میکند و به خیلی ها توهین می کند و نمیدانم چرا دارد با یهودیان مخالفت میکند این حرکت در جهت منافع جمهوری اسلامیست . اما من به دمکراسی معتفدم و با اینکه خود یک طرفدار پادشاهی پارلمانی هستم میگویم بگذار او هم حرفش را بزند به همین خاطر نام وبلاگ وی را پاک نخواهم کرد . در ضمن میخواهم بدانم این دعوای شما و نازیست از کی و چگونه شروع شد من که سر در نیاوردم .
پاینده ایران

Anonymous said...

با درودی دوباره باید بگویم به این نازیست پیام دادم که موضع خود را اعلام کند . پاسخگو باشد و منطقی سخن بگوید و دلیل خود برای دشمنی با اسرائیل را اعلام کند چون به نظر من اینکار وی در جهت منافع جمهوری اسلامیست . باید ذکر کنم ((فعلا )) لینک او را پاک نخواهم کرد تا پاسخ بدهد . امیدوارم پاسخش قانع کننده باشد

Louise said...

I am interested in the MEMRI TV clips too. Some of them, like the ones you link to here, so some very frank and open discussion and criticism of the status quo. I'm wondering if this is a new phenomenon? Were people capable of critical analysis of their own society commonly featured in interview on Arabic TV prior to the last 3 or 4 years or so? Are things losening up or is this not really anything new?

Rosemary Welch said...

Things are loosening up. Slowly but surely.

Hi there! She is wonderful, isn't she? She is very brave. She has been threatened very much, yet she will not stop because a man is afraid of losing his manhood. If he had real manhood, he would not have to fear. No one can take it away. :)