He emerged in Washington D.C last week after spending 10 months on the run inside of Iran and for those who have similar experience, being on the run in Iran is horrifying and a terrible experience.
Now another story about him surfaces on Times Online:
- In Iran, Bush is regarded as a liberator, Fakhravar said. “People are afraid to express what is in their hearts, but in small, private gatherings, they see him as a saviour.”
- ...
- Fakhravar believes dialogue with Iran is useless. “The regime wants to have a nuclear bomb so it can wipe out a country it doesn’t like,” he said. “We don’t understand why the rest of the world doesn’t understand this.”
Frankly, the majority of Iranians are pro-Bush, pro-America folks and, the image of Iran we see on CNN or CBC .... etc is not what it really is. Majority of Iranian people want to be free and need help to get rid of the current regime.
Yep, I also believe the United States is the only trusted viable force for change in Iran.

Iranians! Please liberate Iran! Fascism kills!
Winston, I was wondering when was the last time you were in Iran? I haven't been back there in 20 years myself. I sometimes think I know what people want, but then sometimes it seems it might just be the projection of what I want... Just wondering. I keep my fingers crossed.
@ amir;
I was in Iran almost 1 yr ago and I keep getting feeds from Iran on a daily basis via my friends, my parents, my relatives.
I am in constant contact with the father land.
Today is the age of connection and internet. Getting some real feed backs from iran is not so hard
@ anar;
Says the ordinary people of Iran whom you are not in touch with and never talk with.... and are fed up with the mullahcratic regime your leftist buddies tend to defend.
You had to be in iran to see how people reacted to the invasion of Iraq in 03, or Saddam's capture with joy in the same year... A taxi driver called Bush, the Imam zaman and my dentist said the US should have attacked Iran instead of Iraq or a man standing in front of a hospital was shouting in anger asking for invasion of Iran.
I personally dont endorse a military invasion of Iran NOW but that is the sentiment of the desperate Iranians.
Iran has one of the most pro-Bush people of the entire world, like it or not, this is the truth and truth is bitter...
You gotta see it to believe
That's cool. I haven't been back since I left. I even used to get some serious invitations some years back: from the office of Islamic Republic at the UN here in New York... invitation to give talks in Tehran with paid expenses and hotel rooms, I know some who have taken advantage of this... many people who have gone and do go back often. I categorically object to going and thereby legitimizing this government - if not for anybody else to care, just for my own self dignity. But I miss Iran and can't deny it. However, I know that even twenty years ago in Iran, I used to think that this whole thing, this regime and all its stupidities, is too crazy, but also that the majority of people around me didn't care enough to oppose it in any way, and were always only after their own limited and short-term self-interest. And then there is the residue of anti-Americanism that is the key to uniting everyone, all the cynics about America or the west, and any at all good-will for Iran. It just always seemed like apart from friends and family, the majority still ate up all that the Islamic Republic dished out to them... of course with antellectual reasonings always touching on the global resentment and jealousy towards America... some call Americans dumb, some call them evil; I think long before I became American or ever heard of Jim Morrison, I thought Americans were the most beautiful people in the world. And now, I don't know what to believe at all. The question is: if people want what you say they do, then how do you explain the fact that the other side, the "anar"s number so much more, are so much more vocal? May I ask whether you were in Tehran? And if so, what do you think of the various pockets of the city and their relative readiness for a unity against their number one problem which is the regime? Were you born after the revolution? Sorry if that all seems too personal.
Great points Amir, very true!
First of all, I am glad that you are such a principled pro-Iranic person.
Second, I have been to most parts of tehran and I can say "Iran". Ask Chester for proof. :-)
I had friends like downer who was a pro-America but also an anti-Bush leftist (he is like a 1960s student).
I was born during the revolution in a very westernized family, a pro-Shah/America/, anti-carter/communist family. I still have those sentiments with me, however I became independent couple of years ago but I remained loyal to my own beliefs which I think is still true and valid after so many years.
Yes, people like anar, downer et al exist and they are vocal.
Part of it is their national pride moving them to resist any US intervention- just like me 3 years ago when I suddenly became anti-American and got angry at the US (during the trial of Saddam)- but then again I found myself and I found the true side of the discussion. These people like anar, downer et al are
not anti-freedom, indeed they love freedom but they still bear the remaining ideas of the Tudeh/Left partyism of Iran which is very very strong.
Their knowledge of the history of the US-Iran relation is almost biased, if not false.
They are suffering from some sort of 3rd world paranoia, I believe.
Conspiracy Theory (Daee jon napeleonism) is still strong in Iran and it helps people get away with their daily miseries. And the fact that we IRANIANS are responsible for our problems is some thing hard to believe in Iran.
Re: what do you think of the various pockets of the city and their relative readiness for a unity against their number one problem which is the regime?
I can tell you that Iranian people are tired of the current regime. No doubt about it but THEY are NOT ready for a massive bloodshed in order to get rid of the regime. that is for sure and every one knows it. We have seen enough blood and people won't go for another 1979 type revolt. That is my opinion. However there are relatively poor people who are ready to do any thing just to get rid of the mullahs NOW. Give'em guns and they will kill mullahs for free.
You know, taxi chats are famous in Iran, one day I overheard a guy telling the cab driver that if the US hits the Mullahs' strongholds he personally would find mullahs one by one and strangle them.
of course, it was just ONE person but there are MANY like him. Don't ask me for numbers, I dont have one but the fact that IRANIAN people (more than 90%) dont want this regime is undeniable.
Regime change in Iran should come through massive international pressure, civil disobedience and strong, independent and democratic education through independent media and of course some body to LEAD Iranians.
Iranians won't do any thing without a LEADER. That may be another reason they like Bush more than any one else.
They see him as some one who has guts to deal with their problem so they fall in love with him, that can be another reason.
But personally I think Pres. Bush means what he says and I do believe that the US of A is the only viable option for reform/change and democracy in the entire mideast region.
Re:The question is: if people want what you say they do, then how do you explain the fact that the other side, the "anar"s number so much more, are so much more vocal?
I never assume the role of spokesperson-ship of the Iranian people. I am just blogging my own ideas in a very provocative manner to encounter stupid leftists on issues like Iran BUT like I said, these people are not so much MORE than those supporting the US president. No!
Just read the blogs and you'll see how Bush loving some people can be.
I do not endorse Bush, personally, either but I did say that he is the only head of state of a super power speaking the minds of Iranians and that's great. I dont mind it if he is doing this for his fame or not but the fact that the US is speaking for freedom in Iran is so important.
Having said that, why do you think I wanted to run a pro-America/Bush and conservative blogroll?
Becuz I wanted to be able to get those voices supporting Bush/America to be heard by every one else.
No, I disagree that these people are so much more than those of us supporting American ideals.
And remember, the few are smart while many can be dumb ;-)
The reason, for Iranians, to like Bush varies from his support for freedom in iran to his character or his texan accent. I dont know but many Iranians still believe Bush is their saviour.
I might not agree with Mr Fakhravar but I am very very sure that Iranians are the most pro-western people in the middle east.
Support for President Bush has certainly dropped in recent months, even among some of his staunchest supporters. (Thank you msm.)
But you're right, that he's the one world leader coming out and making the statements to the Iranian people, and against the regime. And the U.S. is allocating $ to help the Iranians (though we should be allocating a lot more), I don't see other countries and leaders doing what Pres. Bush is.
btw - drink much coffee last night? lol. ;- )
anar -
Maybe you should think of "liberating Iran" in other terms besides an invasion or something.
Like giving money and support to oppostion groups, and helping support VOA, and other means of support to enable the Iranian people to overthrow the regime on their own.
az do ta linka ke gofte boodi yekisho dide boodam va yekish jadid bood , mer30
man ham mese in aghahe fekr mikardam kheili vaghte iran naboodi vali neveshty ke parsal boodi , amma yadet bashe ke zendegi kardan dar iran ba do se mah iran raftan va ya dar internet khondan kheili fargh dare , hanooz adamaye shoot va bi savad ke tarafdare rejim hastan kheili ziade , fekr nakon hame mese man o shoma hastan !!!
Winston I just posted an entry on this before I paid a visit to your blog. He could very well be "the leader" that could "lead us" to freedom but the question is will Iranians open their eyes and see that? or will the bickering continue for another 27 years? or until Iran is invaded, attacked, nuked, civil war.......
Who better to lead us to freedom than an Iranian student who has had to suffer the Islamic Republic like Fakhravar?
Indeed! I definitely agree.
Dear Winston,
What you tell me is very interesting. I think you should try to get in touch with RP directly. I personally never have, but that's because I don't want to take up his time, but what you could tell him, on the level of simple on the ground information, is much more interesting than anything I could "think" up. I also think that the conservative ring you're creating is also quite a good initiative, except for the obvious, and that is: while some people, real politicians, or at least with political scientific advancement, always try to avoid being categorized, you seem to be wanting to further go to some bases, like a quite flamboyant coming out party (I don't mean this sexually), which as far as American conservatism goes I doubt you would really feel comfortable with, or know enough about; but in general terms, I'd say, as far as it is just like its opposite, an ideological be-lie-f, which could be very dangerous, when not read also ironically.
But in specific terms in relation to Iran, it seems quite obvious to me that the movement should be on building a "unity" and "today only unity," that requires letting go of particularities or ideological strongholds, in order to reach for something greater - if one is "good" politically, and that is: fighting, warring, but with other means!, by means of diplomacy and political scientific data. And this is what I tried to emphasize sometime back, when I was arguing with a group including you, about this very title of this post, the passive position of the one being liberated, the eternal slave; but further: that precisely even if one needs America, one must say, performatively, that one liberates oneself; there is no other way; there is no liberation from outside, except in the Old Testament and the stories of old - but as I observe, actually, the real-existing state of affairs as I can observe it from my vantage point and 20 light years away from Tehran, we are by all accounts, even of those, who think they are historical or fictional personalities, far far away from the good olde times; and we need to be more critical, and ironic, and outspoken and couragous, but also reflected and calm, when conserving the tradition, even if not really engaging it in high theoretical, philosophical, or literary terms. And precisely this is what the best of the "neocons" do, or purport to do, but who is a Neocon? What are the actual theories? Where is the Broodingpersian to try his hand at Carl Schmitt? We have to do it, if we "Iranians" want it.
All this to tell you why I don't join political parties, but perhaps this is more elegant, from U2, Acrobat:
"I'd join a movement,
if there was one I could believe in,
Yeah, I'd break bread and wine,
if there was a church I could receive in,
Cause I need it now!"
I have to add, I am not particularly anti Bush or anybody really, perhaps with the exception of Brezinsky and Sick, but I think the concern for Iran should be greater than the Bush presidency, they come and go, a discourse must be made strong that is extra to the different contingencies in America and Europe, and I think one gets there better by speaking about and to Iranians, not US politicians. You are in an exceptional position to do so.
... And I don't even know if you are a real person ...
Isn't that funny?
You can not Liberate a people who are enslaved to an ideology with bombs.Unless Iranians were ready to give up Islam I doubt that they could be "Liberated" . The United States, and Canada too might rather consider liberating Iran of any and all of its nuclear technology and treat those who support Iran having this technology as enemies and not allies.
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