That's how the Mullahs of Iran have turned Iran into a 4th century style country and that's how they execute people in public.
Islamic regime run Fars News Agency has pictures ((Beware of Graphic Images)) of public execution of a man who was accused of assault, murder and bank robbery in Tehran.
Thousands die in Iran this way and it is a serious violation of basic human rights, if you will.
It's not my intention to condone crimes in Iran though, but rather to bring some attention to the gross violations of rights in Iran, and who knows if this guy was really being executed for the alleged crimes. I don't trust the Iranian government and it's impossible to say if this is what must be done to deliver justice and restore public order in 21st century and even if this guy was a real criminal, he didn't deserve to die like this. That's unacceptable!
When will these atrocities end?
Pajamas Media on this
I don't think the atrocities will end solong as the world is silent and does not care.
By the way, for something new and different, check out this blog:
It seems cruelty doesn't limit itself on a mass or country level.
کـشـتی مـنـو با ایـن انـگلیسـی
سلام بر وينستون عزيز
يك سوال؛ اكبر گنجي در مصاحبه خود با صداي آمريكا بر نفي استفاده از خشونت در مبارزه با رژيم تاكيد مي كرد و كل بحثش در مبارزه نافرماني مدني بود.
به گمان من نافرماني مدني تنها دو وجهه دارد: نخست اعتصاب و تظاهرات و سوم عدم راي دادن.
1- در مورد اعتصاب و تظاهرات كه رژيم ثابت كرده در معكوس جلوه دادن وقايع بسيار بسيار خبره است. اگر حجم تظاهرات به اندازه اي باشد كه بتواند وجود آن را منكر شود اين كار را كرده و با وحشيانه ترين شكل ممكن با برگزار كنندگان و شركت كنندگان برخورد مي كند. نمونه اين موارد را مي توانيم در جريان هاي اعتصابات كاركنان شركت واحد و قضيه تجمع زنان ببينيم. در حالتي نيز كه حجم اعتراضات به قدري باشد كه نتوان جلوي آن را گرفت سعي مي كند چنان موضوع را وارونه جلوه دهد كه به گمان خودش كسي اندكي به راستي سخنانش شك نكند. وضوع اعتراضات آذربايجان و 18 تير از اينگونه بود و رژيم به گونه اي وانود كه مردم آن بخش ها به خيابان ها آمده اند كه حمايت خود را از رژيم اعلام كنند.
2- در مورد راي دادن نيز بسيار مبرهن است كه زژيم بي حيا تر از اين حرف ها است. مجلس هفتم بارزترين نمونه اين موارد است. مي توان در كنار آن آخرين دوره انتخابات شوراي شهر تهران را نيز قرار داد.
پس! اين نافرماني مدني آقاي گنجي چگونه تاثير خود را خواهد گذاشت؟ هر دوي اين كانال ها كه بسته است...
آيا به نظر شما لازم است عامل ديگري نيز چاشني نافرماني مدني شود؟
I agree with you. In America, we used to have public hangings. A long time ago. I cannot picture myself going to one. It is inhuman. No one should be made to pay for their crimes (especially when they receive a 20 minute trial without counsel!) in public.
I do, however, agree with the death penalty. There are some crimes that demand it of a society. Like murder, rape, molesting children, and the such. In our country, however, it takes more than 20 years in prison after appeal and appeal and appeal before justice can finally be done. Why bother? I sometimes think...
Winston, I have a question. How come the uniforms worn by the officer and their car have the English word "POLICE" written in the Roman alphabet on them. Why isn't Farsi, of whatever the predominant language is, and Arabic (if that's what it is) script used?
Rosemary -
The hangings done in Iran are much more cruel and brutal than the hangings done here in the past.
Here, it was done swiftly, and the knot on the rope combined with the floor dropping out underneath the person, actually snapped (fractured) the person's neck instantly.
In Iran, the rope is tied to a large crane and they raise the person from the ground with the noose around his/her neck and the person actually strangles for up to 10 to 15 mins.
That's brutality.
Anyone at the UN Human Rights Council taking notice?
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