Friday, August 11, 2006

A Must Read: An End To Evil

I just finished reading An End to Evil, by David Frum & Richard Perle, and I should admit the book was the most exciting political book I have ever read in my life.

It is a must read for those who really want to understand why the US has invaded Iraq, and it is a neat guide to mideast conflict through a neo-conservative approach and it also tells us about the poor status of US foreign policy (Thanks to DemoNRats) in the past 15 years or so...

This book covers almost every thing with respect to US foreign policy and it is a good read for unbiased people.

I do recommend the book to any one who wants to know how US politics function and how there is a better way to solve problems around the world if we let the neo-cons take care of them.


Anonymous said...

Wow...just when I thought nobody took Frum seriously anymore.

Anonymous said...

I imagine any book written by the idiot who coined the phrase 'axis of evil' is not worth the time.

As for Perle's genius we just have to look at the mess in Iraq to realize the guy is a featerweight when it comes to strategy.

Amazing some people still believe that crap of Perle's. Where are the WMD's? Where are the flowers in the street? Mission Accomplished?

A book by wanna be soldiers that are too chichen to fight in their own wars. Asshats both of them.

Anonymous said...

testing post

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

David Frum? The quy who coined the phrase axis-of evil? Anyone who comes up with an idiodic phrase like that has no right claiming to be an author. What a hack.

As for Perle, all we have to do is look at the mess in Iraq to get an idea of that guy’s intellect. Frigging lightweight in the strategy department.

Go on believing these asshats if you want but just ask yourself, if these two idiots know what they are talking about; where are the WMD’s, where are the flowers in the streets, where is the mission accomplished?

With that kind of credibility why would anyone waste their time reading trash like this?

Anonymous said...

David Frum? The quy who coined the phrase axis-of evil? Anyone who comes up with an idiodic phrase like that has no right claiming to be an author. What a hack.

As for Perle, all we have to do is look at the mess in Iraq to get an idea of that guy’s intellect. Frigging lightweight in the strategy department.

Go on believing these asshats if you want but just ask yourself, if these two idiots know what they are talking about; where are the WMD’s, where are the flowers in the streets, where is the mission accomplished?

With that kind of credibility why would anyone waste their time reading trash like this?

Anonymous said...

David Frum? The quy who coined the phrase axis-of evil? Anyone who comes up with an idiodic phrase like that has no right claiming to be an author. What a hack.

As for Perle, all we have to do is look at the mess in Iraq to get an idea of that guy’s intellect. Frigging lightweight in the strategy department.

Go on believing these asshats if you want but just ask yourself, if these two idiots know what they are talking about; where are the WMD’s, where are the flowers in the streets, where is the mission accomplished?

With that kind of credibility why would anyone waste their time reading trash like this?

Winston said...

cynic the ignorant, read it and then come back to speak with me on that!

Anonymous said...

Dear Winston,

thanks for introducing the book. It must be a great read and is now on my next-to-read list.

Winston said...

AIS, I am glad to see you around! Yes, that is an interesting book and it gives you a complete insight as to why The US govt acted like that after 9/11

monica zandi said...

i don't understand why the 'mess in iraq' is the US's fault; no seriously, how on earth is sectarian violence & insurgency directly related to the coalition forces? there are death squads in iraq, perpetuated by iran, trying to destablize the new govt there- our soldiers are trying TO STOP THAT. plain and simple. there is no rational in the terrorist's brain, stop sympathizing with them. and i am afraid to tell you that wmd's were found; 5,000 chemical weapons, which were used to burn thousands and thousands of innocent kurds. as for perle, who was assistant sectary of defense in regan's cabinet, you can thank him for confronting the soviet union. oh and brining fakhravar to the united states:)

Chester said...

You seem to have been under attack by Liberals. Or was it just one? lol

Winston said...

Chester, I am always under leftist attacks

Anonymous said...

I am just reading "countdown to crisi" by Kenneth R Timmerman.
Lots of stuff about Irans provocation against the US since the revolution in Iran.
Have you heard or read about it? Seems like a lot of conspiracy-like theories but also seems well researched.
Looking forward to reading the Frum book. Good writer.